Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius

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16th Century Book
Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius
Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius
Aldus Manutius
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Authors and Commentators

Gaius Valerius Catullus (84 BC –ca. 54 BC). Latin poet famous for Roman elegy poetry. He was born in Verona. He wrote of devotion for his love, Lesbia (pseudonym for Clodia). One famous line from his work is “Let us live, my Lesbia, and let us love.” About 113 of his poems survive.

Valerii CatulliValerii Catulli

Albius Tibullus (54 BC – 19 BC). Latin poet who wrote love poetry. He was one of the elegy poets. He wrote of his love Delia (pseudonym for Plania) and for Nemesis. He wrote two known books of poetry, although two additional books have been attributed to him but there is some doubt about their authenticity since they appear inferior and a different style

Sextus Aurelius Propertius (ca. 50 BC – 15 BC). Latin poet from Umbria. He is one of the major elegist poets. Only four books of his work, Elegies, survive from the Roman period. Propertius wrote of his beloved Cynthia and proclaimed his slavery to love.

Hieronymus Avantius, also known as Girolamo Avanzi (ca 1460 – died after 1534). Italian philogist and editor, who was Professor of Philosophy at Padua. He was known for his emendations of classical texts.

The Work

This is a collection of love poems from three of the best known Latin elegiac poets.

Our Copy

Leather cover with blind decorated tooling on front and back. Typographical error on title page listing name as Propetius instead of Propertius. Decorations on three pages.


Aldus Manutius (1450-1515) was born near Rome. He was a scholar who acted as tutor to the children of the Duke of Capri. He then entered the printing business and later combined with an established printer, Andrea Torresano. The printer’s mark used for the business was the Anchor and Dolphin. The anchor was the symbol for slowness and the dolphin was the symbol for speed. Together they stood for the motto “Make haste slowly.”


  • Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius
    • [1] Al. Ma. Ro. Marino Sannuto Patritio Veneto Bene Dictifilio
    • [84] Valerii Catulli Veronen Sis Ad Cornelium Nepo Tem Libellus
    • [5] Hieronymus Avancius Veronensis
    • [30] Albii Tibulli Equitis Romani. Liber Primus
    • [15] Albii Tibulli Equitis Romani. Liber Secundus
    • [11] Albii Tibulli Equitis Romani. Liber Tertius
    • [15] Albii Tibulli Equitis Romani. Liber Quartus
    • [3] O. Nasonis Elegia Defens Tibulli Immaturam Mortem
    • [25] Sex. Aurelii Umbri Elegiarum Liber Primus
    • [48] Sex. Propertii Aurelii Elegiarum Liber Secundus
    • [36] Sex. Propertii Aurelii Elegiarum Liber Tertius
    • [33] Sex. Propertii Aurelii Elegiarum Liber Quartus
  • Blank
    • [1] Venetiis in Aedibus Aldi Mense Inanuario MDII
    • [2] Blank
    • [1] Catullus, Tibullus, Propertius


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